Stella May is Bound and Chained for More Deep Dicking Im so proud Ive showed to my Master just how well I please his long and thick meat. This session he wanted to check how well my pussy could take his penis versus the sybian he had me remain on for, well, not as well certain how much time it was. I assumed I did last time, however he disagreed. He wanted to see inside my pussy, open me open as vast as feasible with his penis, opening it vast. I wish he let me see exactly how it looked. Instead, he massaged on my g-spot making me cum within secs. He understands how to make me orgasm over and over. My pussy tightens up promptly, yet obtain abused when I see him. He begins me off on my back on a cage, wrists bound down on the sides, legs chained to maintain them high in the air. I could absolutely take his penis deep down my throat however had not been certain I can take it in my pussy. The placement permitted him to go deep within me. I had no choice. My legs and also arms were chained down. Then he flipped me over, my wrists still chained to the messages. He had the ability to go also much deeper dog style. Its like his cock expands every time I see him. My pussy belonged to him for whatever he desired. I hope I impressed him. Perhaps I require another pussy examination.
Date: June 9, 2022
Big CockBondageBoobsBrunetteCockCumDeepthroatDickGapingLatinLeatherLegsMasterNaturalNatural TitsOrgasmPenisPussyShavedTattooThickBig DickBondageBrunetBrunetteChainsDeepthroatFacefuckingGapingHitachiJames KickstandLatinLeather CuffsMasterNatural BoobsSexual DisgraceSexualdisgraceShavedStella MayStraightSubSwitchSybianTattooThirdpart
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