I cant withstand my Master. He does not need to bring me to his dungeon anymore. I go as well as wait to be made use of. This moment he had a pleasant surprise for me, something I have actually never ever tried before: the Sybian. If you believed he used my pussy out in the past, this session pushed me even further. He shackled my arms apart like wings, wrists attached to 2 wooden messages. On my knees, the sybian underneath me, my pussy exactly on the vibrating scheme. I assumed it was like a magic stick yet quickly learnt I was wrong. The means he was playing with my pussy and clitoris, pressing me down on the machine, I would not intend to get away. I enjoyed him reaching deep inside my throat with his dick, scrubing my pussy on the vibe below me. It specified where it was excessive. Yet he likes pushing my restrictions. He wants me to be the excellent slutty sex servant. I wish this pleases him. All I want is his prick. In return, he makes me climax over and over again. The buzz was so strong I seemed like I was cumming non-stop throughout all of it. I enjoy my master.
Date: June 9, 2022
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