Goddess Platinum and her niece Princess Amber are good, upstanding pillars of the community, and devoutly religious church-going women. But they also have this "other side" that has mostly just been thrust upon them because they are SO beautiful. Pathetic men literally throw themselves at their feet - and instead of rejecting them completely (as most women of their beauty would do) they have decided to KEEP them around, and allow them to serve them as their SLAVES. Most of them were sinners anyway, and not near holy enough to date Amber or Her Perfect Aunt. Not to mention not being rich or good-looking enough!
But upon returning home from that day's sermon about "doing unto others", Amber starts to openly question whether its "right" for them to own slaves. These "poor creatures" have had their lives ruined, all their money savings taken away from them by Platinum and Amber, and they literally wait hand foot on Amber Platium 24/7!
Platinum decides to do a demonstration. She snaps her fingers and calls a loser over. Platinum asks the slave "what its purpose in life?" and the slave quickly answers that "MY PURPOSE IS WHATEVER YOU SAY IT IS MS PLATINUM, ANYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE YOU HAPPY!"
"See??" Platinum asks. "These pathetic things won't leave even if We wanted to get rid of them, and besides, they are obviously wanton sinners who covet Us and lust after Us and I'm sure their heads are filled with nothing but impure thoughts, so the absolutely deserve to be treated however badly We treat them. The meek might inherit the earth, but Satan has corrupted these filthy things and as good moral Christians We must stomp out the evil and unholy in them"
Amber feels MUCH better after all of this clarification from her Auntie Platinum. She now has NO reservations about using, , humiliating, and laughing at the sad and pathetic nature of these sinners, especially when contrasted against the sheer perfection exhibited by Herself and Her Wise and Perfect Favorite Aunt Platinum.
This clip picks up where Part One of The Church Ladies left off with Goddess Platinum showing Her young and impressionable niece just how pathetic and worthless slaves really are. Amber gets up off the couch kicking the disgusting bald slave backwards and then walking across its body, making sure to smash her perfect foot right onto its face as she walks off. Auntie Platinum follows her and walks across the loser as well before really driving the message home about how useless and worthless this slave would be if they didn't allow it to remain their slave.
Platinum takes the thing by its leash and drags it across the cold tile floor to the door, swings the door open and gives the loser the option to leave the Manor and return to a "normal life" where it wouldn't be subjected to constant and humiliation. The slave immediately begins begging to be allowed to stay, promising to do anything Goddess Platinum or Her Perfect Niece Amber demand of it.
The girls laugh at how sad it is to stay and be , degraded, and treated like trash by them, but that is what pathetic sinners that don't devote their life to the Lord deserve. After interrogating the slave a bit more they drag it back into the sitting room and tell it they want it to truly understand its place in the world will always be beneath their feet. And to make that point as emphatically as possible, they are going to it to lay down and let them walk all over it with their incredibly sharp and spiked Christian Louboutins stilettos as they make it thank them for the attention and effort.
Platinum starts by stepping up onto the loser, then squatting down digging her heels into its chest as she reminds it that it is nothing to her but a worthless slave that can always be replaced. It tries to hold back from crying out in pain but doesn't last long. When she steps off, she kicks off her heel to put her perfect nylon wrapped foot right across the loser's mouth so her niece can step all over it without having to hear it yell and cry. They both laugh as Platinum offers Amber a hand to balance and dig her $1,000+ heels into the slaves body. She walks all over the thing and doesn't step off until Aunt Platinum puts her heels back on to climb up on the slave again. When the thing continues to cry out, Amber does like Her Aunt and removes a heel before shoving her foot into the losers mouth to shut it up.
Platinum stays on the thing walking up and down its torso as Amber eventually gets annoyed enough with it to stand up on its face with both her perfect petite lace covered feet smashed across its nose and mouth. As the thing continues to struggle and cry out Platinum finally steps off and leaves her niece to walk all over the thing in her stocking clad feet. As Amber continues the , Platinum again pushes her feet into its face to muffle its cries and make fun of how pathetic a thing it is that it chose to come back inside and be treated like this instead of leaving when she gave it the chance.
Moments later both girls are stomping and trampling it while verbally it for being such a worthless sinner beneath their perfect Goddess-ly feet. They smash the thing until it can take no more and Amber sits down one last time to dig her toes and heels into the idiot's face as her aunt practices running in place on the loser. They walk off laughing, leaving their heels near the loser's head so it can constantly be reminded of all the power they hold over it and how it will always be below their Red-bottoms, and subject to being stepped on anytime they think it doesn't remember that fact.
Date: December 14, 2021
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