Lets see how swollen we can get this slaves balls, shall we? As he kneels naked on all fours in my back yard, I use measuring tape to record the size of his testicles. Theyre pretty small, but I know a way to make them bigger! Standing behind him, I deliver kick after painful kick to his delicate nuts with my bare feet while he groans in misery. I hold nothing back, showing no mercy as I continuously bash his balls in. I pause to measure them, and the tape reveals theyve already begun to swell considerably. Im far from finished, and quickly resume kicking him as he cries out in agony. His balls are red and aching, but Im not done yet! After another round of measurements, Im convinced I can make his balls swell even more. How much pain can he take, and how big can his testicles get? Watch to find out in this brutal ball-busting clip!
Date: October 30, 2024
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