Goddess Amelia is unwinding on her favored chair, utilizing her servant as her foot rest, and attempting not to go to rest. She extends as well as says I recognize what constantly wakes me up, an excellent rimming. She kicks her slave as well as asks if he wishes to eat her asshole. Normally he does. First she does some lifts off the chair so you get a good sight of her complete fat ass and afterwards has the slave lay on the flooring under it. As soon as on his face she remains on him full weight. She asks him if he likes her complete weight while he lays on the concrete flooring, naturally he states he does. Little cost to pay besides. Attempt to lick my ass with my panties she informs him. Nice upward angles of her sexy ass here as well as you can see the agony in the slaves eyes at the same time as his head manage all that stress. When she feels shes made him endure sufficient, as well as been sufficiently entertained by seeing him kick for air, she relocates her underwears to the side and also raises her self up a bit so you can see his tongue massage therapy her unclean opening. I understand he intends to be my bathroom, he wants it was his full-time job she claims. Lastly Amelia makes a decision to return approximately the chair, shes done sufficient job. She elevates her legs up as well as informs the servant not to take a look at her pussy, You are nothing but a pitiful butt licker and bathroom she tells him. The slave gives her hole lengthy licks and then she tells him to put his mouth tight versus her opening, she requires to soothe herself. Grunt!
Date: December 2, 2022
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