Gorgeous Milf Mistress Kandy has her slave on the bed now that he has actually finished cleaning the house. Mentioning cleaning, you must be cleaning my butt she informs the slave as she moves off the bed as well as onto his face. She waves her stunning fleshy ass cheeks in the hopeless slaves deal with and also informs him to smell her, as she brings her butt hole right down on his nose. Can you smell it, does not it odor remarkable? she asks him. Now she sits complete weight on his face as she intends to see him kicking for air. Ultimately I will allow you lick my filthy ass she tells him. Kandy isnt going to let her slave orgasm today so she strokes his penis to ensure he is effectively frustrated. My butt is actually filthy Kandy says so she leans onward as well as moves her panties sideways to disclose her stunning pleated love hole. The hungry servant instantly obtains his tongue out and starts licking as well as tonguing her hole. Kandy sits on servant deals with for hrs everyday due to the fact that she loves feeling a tongue in her butt and you can see just how much she enjoys it as she moans and groans. Some really warm angles here as the electronic camera moves around to catch the complete glory of Kandys ass while the servant tongue fucks her. Kandy says she wants precision, her asshole needs to be like the bullseye on a target. A deep rimming always promotes me to take a dump she informs her servant that would enjoy a meal to end the day. I love doing that to my servants, yet not as long as they enjoy receiving it she says looking and also grinning at you. She knows you desire it also. Lastly you get some good up close activity of the servant worshiping Kandys opening prior to she shifts to once more rest full weight on his face. The slave kicks hysterically to breath, his tongue still likely deep inside Kandys ass.
Date: May 11, 2022
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