Today I m going to sit my perfect ass on your fucking face, I inform the naked slave I ve secured to my bed with rope. He mistakenly thinks he s going to enjoy it but quickly learns it s not nearly the fun he had in mind. I m going to smoosh your face and only I can decide when you can breathe and when you can t, I tell him as I position myself over his head. You re going to suffer for me... a lot, I add as I plant myself on his face and make him smell my pussy and asshole. Pressing myself into him, I smother him as he fights for air beneath me and laugh in delight while bouncing up and down. Today s my birthday and I m going to spend it tormenting this poor, pathetic loser! Adding to his misery is the string I ve wound tightly around his balls and as pain courses through his body I continue smothering him with my crotch. How long can this jerk go without air? Let s find out!
Date: November 5, 2022
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