The ballbusting, the trampling, the whipping, the paddling; on and on it goes. Ive given it all to My slave over the years and he took it like a champ. Who would have thought Id find his one weakness in something so mundane as clown. They say, you have to be cruel to be kind and Im going to rid him of his clown phobia with INTENSE CLOWN THERAPY. Against his will, I force him to dress like a clown, tie him up and make him stare at himself in a . The treatment nearly drives him insane, but I think its working it better for his sake. I have to say this is probably the most disturbing clip I have ever made, but I do it because My slave needs to get over his sickness and if he fails well, as the old saying goes, sell him to the circus.
Date: May 4, 2022
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