Your birthday is nearly here! Another birthday spent alone. No friends to spend it with, people making up excuses to not see you. Another year as a kissless virgin, that's right, you've never been on a date, not even a first date, or had a first kiss. Just a dateless, kissless virgin loser. You've tried asking women out, endless hours spent on dating apps, rejection is so normal for you. Women laugh at your embarrassing stature, in any nightclub even the shortest girls are at least 2-3 inches taller in their heels, most nearly a head taller. Pin dick, half the size of my heels, not that you'd ever get to use it. Maybe if you had some wit or charm you could make up for it, but you don't have that either! Every year ticking by brings you closer to dying as a virgin. Paying hot girls to laugh at your pathetic life is the only birthday gift you deserve!!!! If you came to this clip them you're fucking pathetic, disgusting scum.P.Amber
Date: February 11, 2022
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Actors: The Mean Girls
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