I want YOU to send Me EVERYTHING - every last cent in all of your accounts. All of your savings is MINE now. You dont need a retirement fund or savings accounts. That would imply that you were planning to take time off or retire at some point which is NOT the case. You never get to stop working because you never get to stop earning money to hand over to Me. You will ZERO out your savings for Me and then live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your worthless loser life. You only need enough money for yourself to survive. Anything more is excess for a loser like you and should be handed over to ME immediately. Losers dont deserve savings. Losers dont deserve a cushion or a rainy day fund. You deserve to pay it all to a hot brat while you slave away at your dumb boring job for the rest of your loser life. No retirement, no savings, just work, work, work until for finally croak. Remember, its ALWAYS luxury for Me and POVERTY for you. A savings account is a luxury you simply dont deserve so ZERO it out and hand it all over to Me!
Date: November 25, 2024
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