My legs didnt come to look this way by accident. No. On the contrary, Ive been working on shaping them into their current perfection for pretty much My entire life, so you better believe theres no way something like being isolated to My home because of Coronavirus is going to affect My diligence in maintaining My body. I have, however, since I cant go to the gym, been spending significantly more time dancing. The other day I had a several hour solo dance session up in My loft. I recorded over an hour of it, but I thought this 14 minutes I recorded from a low angle, showing off My strong, sexy legs, would be most enjoyable for My worshippers. Come and join Me or watch Me and cum. Or both. W/we certainly have the time! **note: I switched out the music for a royalty free track I found on YouTube. I was actually listening to the artist Rhye in My headphones. you can watch it as is, put on some Rhye, or add whatever music you like**
Date: November 24, 2024
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