With Sapphire! you think you can defeat me? I accept and immediately shrink you down so you look up at my Converse boots. Smacking my hands down, my palms crush your helpless body. My swinging hair and evil laugh humiliates you. Doing a fight countdown, you are out of this match. My stomping boots crush and smoosh you so much it is hard to peel your body out of the treads. Wrestling involves my secret tool of ass smooshing with my big ass. Ass grinding prevents you from moving beneath my big booty. Easiest match ever! OTHER KEYWORDS- giantess, shrinking fetish, amazons, little people, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, female supremacy, muscle domination, powerful woman, powerful women, strong woman, strong women, big legs, big thighs, muscular woman, muscular women, humiliation, verbal humiliation, big butts, Latina, leotard fetish, leotards, all natural, brunettes #Giantess #FemaleDomination #FemdomPOV #ShrinkingFetish #Humiliation This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me! This alternates between 1st and 3rd person. ,
Date: October 1, 2024
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