See for yourself the RIVETING CASE STUDY that is bound to revolutionize the annals of MODERN-DAY PSYCHOANALYTIC theory!! Selene Sun is concerned about the monotony of her sex life— so she visits renowned psychoanalyst Dr. Elody Rose. The expert Dr. Rose soon recognizes Selene’s REPRESSED ID as the root of all her troubles. She encourages the patient to stop worrying so much about pleasing her partner and start thinking about HER OWN DESIRES. As Selene LAYS IN THE COUCH, her mind begins to wander and sexual TRANSFERENCE takes place. Clearly PROJECTING her unresolved desires onto her therapist’s persona, Selene sees herself GETTING SPANKED, GAGGED, SUCKING STRAP, GETTING FUCKED, and SQUIRTING all over Dr. Rose. It is these corridors of desire that doctor and patient must transit together, if they are LIBERATE Selene from the burdens of her UNCANNY UNCONSCIOUS
Date: September 10, 2021
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Actors: Selene Sun, Elody Rose
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