Look at me. I mean really look at me. Do you actually ever think you could be good enough to land a woman like me? Look again. Now look in the mirror. Is it even a question? Of course it isn�t. This is bratty sensual jerk off instructions like never before. As I tell you that you will never have me, I tease you with my big boobs and perfect body. I remind you how unobtainable I am while draining your cock dry. Putting you in your place and reminding you why you belong there. I am superior, I always will be. You can never rise to my level. You could never make enough to date me. You�ll never be a real, study man. Instead, you�ll be my jerk off addicted sub that knows how much of an honor it is to get my attention. I would never look your way if you saw me in everyday life. Accept it and jerk to what is completely out of your league. Enjoy it.JERK OFF INSTRUCTION, SUBMISSIVE / SLAVE TRAINING, MIND FUCK, GODDESS WORSHIP, CUM COUNTDOWNAdded: 5/9/20
Date: May 15, 2024
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