One thing young Tessa quickly learns while visiting me is that thismistress usually doesnt keep toilet paper in the bathroom. Aftershit***ting in my toilet, she finds herself stranded with nothing towipe with and tracks me down to ask where I keep my toilet paper. Dontworry, Ill take care of it, I tell her as I leave the room only toreturn seconds later with one of my slaves crawling by my side. For thefirst time in her life Tessa has her tight asshole cleaned by human toiletpaper as I spread her cheeks wide and shove my slaves head into herbottom. Bent over my billiard table with her skirt hiked up around herwaist, this slave licks away hungrily, obeying my every command as he useshis mouth to clean the gorgeous Tessa Ray. Dont touch my pussy with yourdisgusting tongue! she reminds him as he continues to lap away at herdirty, smelly asshole. She enjoys being cleaned with his tongue so muchthat she just may have to get herself a toilet slave! I love teaching myways to my young disciples.
Date: February 6, 2024
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