am taking applications. Applications for a REAL slave. True, complete HUMAN PROPERTY. I am talking about some THING that I can just tie up, immobilize, GAG, and T0RTURE as MUCH as I want like human livestock- just to see how much the human body can really take before it finally gives out. Oh, and did I mention I have a nursing background? LOL so I can just keep reviving u so u can take more, and MORE, and MOOORE for me! And the best part? I am going to RECORD it all so I can SELL the videos for HUGE $$$!!! Of course, I wont be able to sell them here on C4S because they will just be too gory and gruesome. BUUUT people will pay BIG money for this stuff on the black market! Were talking like $10,000-$25,000 a clip! So you can rest easy knowing that your final days and weeks on earth will finally serve a purpose- making ME lots of MONEY! Haha.So there are some very specific requirements that go along with this position and I go into great detail about what I am going to do to you once I OWN you, so download this clip and find out how your final pathetic days on earth as a REAL SLAVE will be spent. Fulfill your true PURPOSE in life, loser…NOW.
Date: April 20, 2023
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