Look at me. My lovely eyes, staring right into yours. My sweet, devious smile. My gorgeous body, tightly hugged by my metallic dress. How long could you hold back that orgasm for me? You can already feel your cock dripping. Your willpower is gone with just a glance.Are you a minute man? Were going to find out today. First plenty of teasing with a few warm-up strokes of your cock. And then the minute will begin. Youll stroke as hard and fast as you can for the full 60 seconds. Its a little premature ejaculator challenge. If you make it through the whole minute, youll enjoy a glimmer of sexual validation. If you cum too soon, youll have to suffer through a heavy dose of humiliation.JOI, JOI GAMES, FEMDOM POV, VERBAL HUMILIATION
Date: February 27, 2023
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