So I decided that I am going to teach Brooke how to use as slave's face as nothing more than something to sit on. She totally has like the PERFECT ass for it. And so she's like "OMG sit on their face? But won't they 'enjoy' that too much??" and I have to explain to her that we make SURE that we do it in a way that takes ALL of the enjoyment out of it for the slaves! (Funny side note- we were like sooo emotionally cruel to this loser that he literally cried while we were using him to film this clip! Hahaha!!! Watch the clip to see if you can tell when it happens.)
So anyways, I instruct Brooke on how to sit on a slave in the most uncomfortable ways. (For the slave- not for US, obviously...) And I tell her about how much fun it is to control their oxygen and literally have control over their life or detth. The funny thing is, this slave is like SO in love with Brooke that we REALLY start to push it and test its obedience. And it doesn't take long to figure out that it really WILL literally D1EE for Brooke if she just simply keeps sitting there too long in her super-tight jeans! Haha! OMFG! All she has to do is keep sitting there nice n comfortable...and this loser is SO obedient because he is like SO in love with her because she's so beautiful that he will literally stay there until he is GONE. Too bad for him that Brooke is like one of the coldest, meanest Mean Girls around and she just doesn't give a F*CK. She's been used to losers throwing themselves at her feet her whole life- so this idiot's life means NOTHING to her! So we decide to have some fun with it and see how far we can take it...
The question is...does the slave make it? LOL.
Princess Bella
Date: November 24, 2021
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