All hot girls need to be able to defend themselves and protect themselves from creeps on the street. So I started a "Hot Girl Self Defense Class". This will help gorgeous woman not fear all the losers that invade their bubble or that attempt to get grabby.
Since Queen Grace is finally back in America for good I started with her. I had her destroy this LIVING PUNCHING BAG. Grace is tiny and I worry about about her out on these rough streets. I know she is mean and cruel but I had to make sure she could take care of herself. Plus I need her to tell all her hot friends that there is now a solution to all our hot girl problems.
I am also willing to rent my human punching bag for free to any gorgeous woman that want to teach their girlfriends how to beat the living snot out of creepy ass, annoying dudes.
We all know when you are perfect from you head to your toes, you will always have pathetic freaks that don't have a chance of ever getting with you constantly trying to talk to you. Some losers have the balls to not take NO for an answer and even attempt to get grabby. Soooooo fucking obnoxious!
Well we are putting an end to this! From now on all hot girls should take my free hot girls self defense class or just borrow one of my many slaves to build their confidence. Once hot, sexy women beat the crud out of a male and see they can do it, that's all they need to boost their confidence.
MALES BEWARE! We are no longer putting up with your annoying BS! We will no longer be harassed and annoyed! We Will destroy you!!!!
Goddess Platinum
Date: November 12, 2021
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