Goddess Victoria Sapphire has just purchased a slave from the auction. She needs to determine the best use he will have in there stable. She begins with a severe lesson in caning. Mistress Noel and Mistress Kelle hold the slut still while Victoria introduces him to her cane. Instant red and purple welts rise up on the slut's ass. The bitch begins trashing about. Victoria's reaction her slut's agony is to shock his balls with an electronic device. Then she holds the slut in place and invites Noel to take a turn. Mistress Noel is devilish. She canes the slut so hard he starts to cry. Victoria lights a cigarette and smiles. Noel canes the crying bitch even harder. Then Victoria leans down and spits into the slut's mouth. The ladies are going to enjoy breaking this bitch
Date: September 19, 2021
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